Use "un security council resolution 1701|un security council resolution 1701" in a sentence

1. On 11 August 2006 the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved UN Security Council Resolution 1701, in an effort to end the hostilities.

2. They called on all parties to implement fully UN Security Council resolution 2231.

3. The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

4. 1 The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

5. 30 The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

6. Aoun opposed the Syrian presence in Lebanon, citing the 1982 UN Security Council Resolution 520.

7. 2002 – Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq agrees to the terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 1441.

8. The UN Security Council did not issue a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq.

9. Following NATO’s intervention, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1244, placing Kosovo under UN administration.

10. The sides condemned the actions of Pyongyang that are a violation of UN Security Council resolution 1718.

11. On May 23, 2003, the UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution lifting all economic sanctions against Iraq.

12. If these methods of alternative dispute resolution fail, then they must refer it to the UN Security Council.

13. I respectfully request the Security Council to address these three issues in a Security Council resolution

14. Also, it was addressed by an individual who is designated as a terrorist under the same United Nations Security Council resolution i.e UN resolution 1267.

15. The UN Secretary-General concluded that, as of 16 June 2000, Israel had withdrawn its forces from Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 425.

16. (2) Including Kosovo, under the aegis of the United Nations, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999.

17. 1946 – The UN Security Council holds its first session.

18. 5 The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .

19. resolution 1737 (2006) addressed to the President of the Security Council

20. As a result of the conflict, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted UN Security Council Resolution 721 on 27 November 1991, which paved the way to the establishment of peacekeeping operations in Yugoslavia.

21. The UN Security Council asked both sides to show restraint .

22. Today's Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.

23. Among the first UN measures to address proliferation activities, Security Council Resolution 1718 was passed after North Korea’s first nuclear test in October 2006.

24. Hezbollah has maintained an active armed presence despite Security Council resolution 1559 (2004).

25. That resolution marked a turning point in the work of the Security Council

26. That regime is adamantly violating Security Council resolution # including by violating Lebanese airspace

27. The attack took place under the authority of the UN security council.

28. The UN Security Council met in emergency session to discuss the crisis.

29. resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism addressed to the President of the Security Council

30. Sir Jeremy Greenstock has been overseeing the implementation of Security Council resolution # most ably

31. China and Russia blocked the UN Security Council from Condemning the Myanmar coup

32. A long series of UN Security Council resolutions were passed regarding the conflict.

33. The UN Security Council has demanded free passage for families fleeing from the fighting.

34. The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.

35. She is a doctoral candidate at the University of Helsinki researching United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (Peace, Women and Security).

36. This declaration was determined to be "null and void" by United Nations Security Council Resolution 478.

37. China, Russia, the UN Security Council, the UN itself have all set certain requirements that need to be adhered to.

38. - having regard to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, which addresses the impact of war on women, and the Maputo Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa of 26 October 2005,

39. Item # (a) Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution # nited Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission

40. The Security Council in its resolution # also permitted the sale of additional quantities of oil by Iraq

41. India Antagonized Tamils of India by not voting against Sri Lanka in UN Security council

42. having regard to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, which addresses the impact of war on women, and the Maputo Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa of 26 October 2005,

43. The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution asking the two countries to resume peace negotiations.

44. The council passed a resolution increasing council house rents.

45. Merkel, Germany is now speaking of an interim solution for the UN Security Council permanent seats.

46. I sincerely hope that North Korea abides by and implements all the UN Security Council resolutions.

47. The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.

48. American president George W. Bush stated that Saddām had repeatedly violated 16 UN Security Council resolutions.

49. (a) the UN Security Council and the Joint Commission ten days in advance of such activities;

50. In contrast to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 on Libya, the Medvedev-Sarkozy plan contains no ambiguities.

51. The Joint Statement also confirms Uzbekistan’s support for India’s permanent candidature to the UN Security Council.

52. ¡ Support for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004): joint action adopted (→ point 1.26.15).

53. Moreover, Boyle also demonstrates that the Security Council violated its own charter through the adoption of Resolution 7

54. The Mission’s support component will align its functions with the requirements derived from Security Council resolution 2180 (2014).

55. The German abstention on the United Nations security council resolution on Libya had created both confusion and controversy.

56. - the status settlement supported by the UN Security Council takes adequate account of the Union's common position,

57. Joint work is aimed at achieving concrete results, which is the bedrock of UN Security Council activities.

58. (1) The definitions "admission", "common-law partner" and "Security Council Resolution" in section 1 of the Regulations are repealed.

59. 12 Meeting in a special session September [] the 15-member Security Council adopted UNSC Resolution 1887 without objection.

60. The heart of the problem is a lack of trust, made worse by what Russia sees as NATO's cynically broad interpretation of the UN Security Council resolution on Libya—a "betrayal", say some Russians.

61. (a) India actively continues its efforts for expansion of the UN Security Council and becoming a permanent member.

62. We feel that the UN Security Council cannot stand aloof when it concerns the lives of international peacekeepers.

63. However, compared with the other four UN Security Council Permanent Members, China has relatively limited power projection capabilities.

64. The Court was established by Resolution 827 of the United Nations Security Council, which was passed on 25 May 1993.

65. There appeared to be no involvement of the General Assembly or the UN Security Council in the decision.

66. More recently, Israel had stated its support for the idea of two States living side by side in peace and security, as adumbrated in Security Council resolution

67. It was the first time that NATO had used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council.

68. We therefore welcome Security Council resolution 1540 (2004), as it has been significant in advancing the joint struggle against WMD terrorism.

69. 2 days ago · India Abstains From Voting At UN Human Rights Council On Sri Lanka Resolution Eleven members voted against the resolution tabled by the Core Group on …

70. Biden aides wanted to avoid Blindsiding Jerusalem over the new plans, which included telling UN Security Council that Democrat's administration was rescinding Trump's assertion that all UN

71. In response, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1718 unanimously condemning North Korea, as well as passing Chapter VII, Article 41.

72. Lastly, there was a need to incorporate a gender perspective in all peacebuilding efforts, in accordance with Security Council resolution 1325 (2000).

73. We will suggest concrete steps that are necessary for implementing the UN Security Council resolutions and the Russian-American agreements.

74. NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation if the UN Security Council asked for it.

75. Get me the security council.

76. US vetos UN resolution not to expel Arafat.

77. They refused to comply with the UN resolution.

78. After this incident, the Russian UN Ambassador has been instructed to convene an emergency Security Council meeting dedicated to the issue.

79. Our view has been that the exercise of UN Security Council reforms cannot be seen to be an exercise ad infinitum.

80. Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door.